EU-retningslinjer for affaldshåndtering i Corona-tiden
ECN har udsendt en skrivelse med EU-retningslinjer for affaldshåndtering under Coronapandemien. Skrivelsen findes herunder.
Dear ECN Members,
Herewith, we would like to inform you that the European Commission has published a guidance document on 'Waste Management in the context of the coronavirus crisis'. ECN was involved in the preparation of the guidance and we welcome that the Commission is underlining that separate collection and recycling of bio-waste in of bio-waste have to be maintained during the Coronavirus crisis:
'In case staff shortages result in reduced service, Member States should ensure continuity and sufficient frequency of collection of residual waste and bio-waste in order to prevent any immediate risks to public safety and health. Based on the assessment of such risks, the frequency of the collection of dry recyclables could be adjusted temporarily, but not stopped.'
Please find enclosed the information, including the download link for the guidance document, from Mr Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Unit B3 'Waste Managemner & Secondary Materials':
On behalf of Mr. Mattia Pellegrini- Head of Unit ENV B3 « Waste Management & Secondary Materials
Dear Madam/Sir,
Based on the inputs received from Member States, stakeholders and other services of the European Commission, DG ENV today published a guidance document entitled “Waste management in the context of the coronavirus crisis “ available on the Commission website :
This document takes stock of the current situation across the EU and is based on the available scientific knowledge, with the support of the European Centre for Disease prevention and Control. We will keep this document updated in view of the evolution of the knowledge about the virus as well as its spread and the feedbacks we receive from Member States and stakeholders.
We appreciate greatly your input and sharing of experiences as the challenges posed by COVID-19 are a shared burden. We will monitor closely development in this area to provide the appropriate support. For that reason we have created a specific mailbox that you can use to communicate the initiatives taken in response to the coronavirus crisis in your sector and any other relevant problem that may arise in this context:
Best regards,
Mattia Pellegrini
Kind regards,